Our Organization

Global Student Fund, Inc. is a US-based nonprofit organization founded in 2020

The goal we do have

The goal of ours is to support students worldwide to get financial support through donations, fundraisings and get opportunity to realize their dreams, since the world can be a better place only with the help of knowledge the students will get.

The support we do offer

The website has been specially made for specific reason: To donate, fundraise and do charity.


Satisfied Customers
Projects Completed
Raised to Date
Partner Fundings
Happy Repeat Customers
Each Coin Matters

Take a Look at Statistics Below:

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Our mission is to help smart and motivated students get a qualified education overseas by decreasing.

Donation is a meaningful way to provide direct financial aid for students to assist them with educational expenses.

Global Student fund inc. that is nonprofit company which was founded in the USA with the aim to support any student from all over the world. 

It’s Not the Amount That Matters, but the Meaning Behind Your Donation

Our Testimonials

What They Say